For many families' home movies of their children rank among their fondest memories, these old 8 mm or super 8 mm films may be among the most precious possessions they have. Sadly, over time these films tend to degrade in quality and if not carefully preserved will fade to nothing. Thanks to modern technology and the computer you can now find companies that can transfer 8 mm to DVD format and save those precious memories so that future generations will be able to see what life was like back in the "good old days." Among those memories to be cherished are events liked a child's first birthday or perhaps his first steps, vacations and of course the holidays.

When the 8 mm film camera first became affordable for the average working family people took movies of just about any special family event, to be able to transfer the 8 mm to DVD would make a great gift for the grandparent who shot the film in the first place as they might once again be able to watch their children enjoying those special moments in life. In the 60s the 8 mm camera was the equivalent of the modern camcorder, all you had to do was load it with a fresh spool of film and see what you could catch your family doing. The film had to be developed just like photographic film and then, as long as you had a projector and a surface to show it on, you could entertain your friends and family with your skills as a movie director. These films only last for so long before they start to faded, if you transfer the 8 mm to DVD it will last practically forever.

One thing that most of have forgotten about 8 mm film is that the pictures tended to flicker and fade in and out as they wound through the projector, this was the norm when viewing old home movies. When you transfer the 8 mm to DVD the pictures should be cleaned up and things like flicker and fade removed, leaving you with a clean video that may in fact be off a much higher quality than the original 8 mm film ever was. On top of this you can add a sound track of music to the silent films to make them more enjoyable to watch. If you wanted to try and convert these old films to DVD by yourself at home, you would find the cost of the equipment to transfer 8 mm to DVD would be far too expensive. You would need access to a very powerful PC along with some very expensive video capture equipment. On top of this to achieve results that would be satisfactory takes a lot of training and experience. Instead of this you could send your old 8 mm film to Just 8 mm have the equipment the skill and the ability to take even the most faded movie and turn it into a into a keepsake that will last virtually forever.